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How do I cancel my other-us subscription with Robokiller?
With Checkout, you can find your notice period in your contract and in the general terms and conditions.
Your subscription to Checkout is cancelable at any time according to the terms of your contract.
Bending Spoons S.p.A.
Via Nino Bonnet 10
20154 Milan
If you purchased on the app store: tap i'd like to > choose request a refund. Choose the reason why you want a refund > next. Choose the purchased item > submit.
If you purchased on the app store: tap i'd like to > choose request a refund. Choose the reason why you want a refund > next. Choose the purchased item > submit.
To cancel a subscription to Robokiller, visit the Google Play app on your device. Select the three horizontal lines in the top left corner, then navigate to your list of app subscriptions. Locate Robokiller and proceed to cancel the subscription. Robokiller is a service that helps block spam calls. If needed, cancellation can also be done through Xpendy, but this option may involve additional costs.