Xpendy is definitely reliable and offers 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. This means that if Xpendy cannot deliver your cancellation letter, you will receive a full refund. If you have any questions, you can always contact customer service at [email protected].
Do you have a question, complaint or feedback? We’d love to hear from you. Unfortunately, we can’t be reached by phone, but you can always send us an e-mail. This can be sent to [email protected].
Is the organisation where you want to cancel your subscription not listed yet? How stupid of us! We are continuously improving, and it may be that an organisation is still missing. We are happy to receive your feedback; you can e-mail it to [email protected]. We will then add the service to our website as soon […]
What a pity that you have a complaint about our service. We would like to help you and solve your problem. Unfortunately, we cannot be reached by phone, but you can always send us an e-mail. You can reach us at [email protected].