HCredit Card

What are the conditions for canceling subscriptions?

The conditions depend very much on the type of subscription and on the organisation to which you subscribe. For example, one organisation has no notice period, and another organisation has a notice period of two months. We think it is important that you are well informed, so if you have any questions about the conditions […]

Can I keep my phone number when switching providers?

It is possible, if you switch from one provider to another, to keep your phone number. However, you need to request this yourself before switching. You can arrange this with your provider; most providers have an online function for this.

I am going to emigrate. How do I cancel my subscriptions quickly and easily?

When you emigrate, there are a lot of things that need to be done; also, a lot of things that you might not have thought of. To be able to support you in the area of contracts and to relieve you of this, we can cancel your subscriptions for you. We only need your address, […]

I am moving house. How do I cancel my subscriptions quickly and easily?

How nice that you are going to move! We wish you good luck with the move. To save some time, you can cancel your subscriptions through us in one go. All we need is your address, e-mail and, in some cases, your customer number, and we will take care of the rest. That way you […]

Do you have a sample letter for canceling your subscription in English?

Yes, we offer a sample letter for cancelling your subscription in English. Also, we have sample letters for the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Poland, Turkey, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Australia, United Kingdom, United States of America, Ireland, Portugal and Switzerland.

I am looking for a sample letter to cancel my subscription

You do not always have to reinvent the wheel. To make it easy for you to cancel your subscriptions, we have prepared a standard letter that you can use for any organisation. All you have to do is fill in your own details, the date you want to end your subscription and your customer number […]

(United States of America) Unlocking Fox Nation: Your Guide to Watching on TV, Free Options, Compatibility with Amazon Prime, and Smart TV Access

Not Available CA

(United States of America) The Cost Of Convenience. How Subscriptions Are Taking Over Our Lives

Not Available CA

Staatsloterij deelname annuleren: een duidelijke handleiding

Not Available CA

(Deutschland) Unlocking The Benefits: Warum boomt die Abonnement-Wirtschaft?

Not Available CA