(Nederland) Apple TV en Chromecast combineren: het beste van twee werelden

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Not Available CA
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Not Available CA
Not Available CA
At {Service} you have a {Notice_period} notice period, this means your {Category} subscription at {Service} will continue for {Notice_period} after the date of receipt of your notice.
Your {Category} subscription to {Service} is cancelable at any time according to the terms of your contract.
At {Service} you have a {Notice_period} notice period, this means your {Category} subscription at {Service} will continue for {Notice_period} after the date of receipt of your notice.
Your {Category} subscription to {Service} is cancelable at any time according to the terms of your contract.
At {Service} you have a {Notice_period} notice period, this means your {Category} subscription at {Service} will continue for {Notice_period} after the date of receipt of your notice.
Your {Category} subscription to {Service} is cancelable at any time according to the terms of your contract.
Not Available CA
This is certainly possible; in principle you can cancel your contracts whenever you want. However, it may be that you have taken out a subscription for a year or several years and have received a premium discount, for example. If you then cancel the subscription earlier, in many cases you will have to pay a […]