(Deutschland) MVV Zonenplan und Rechner: Alles, was du über die MVV-Zonen wissen musst

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Dear {Name}, On {date} at {time} you have cancelled {service} via Xpendy. Until today we have not received the payment of {price}. We have reminded you of this several times and unfortunately are now forced to charge £34 collection costs. PLEASE NOTE: if payment is not made within 1-2 working days, we will forward the […]
Mit Fabletics haben Sie eine vierwöchige Kündigungsfrist vor Monatsende, was bedeutet, dass Ihre Mitgliedschaft mit Fabletics nach Monatsende noch vier Wochen läuft.
Ja, Sie können Ihre Abonnement mit Fabletics Sofort kündigen! Das bedeutet, dass nach Erhalt Ihrer Kündigung Ihre Abonnement unter Einhaltung der Kündigungsfrist gekündigt wurde!
Dear {Name}, Unfortunately we have not received your payment of {price} for the cancelation of {service} on {date} at {time}. We would like to remind you that you have entered into a payment obligation with us and that your letter of termination has been sent by us (by registered post) to {service}. NOTE: if the […]
Dear {Name}, On {date} at {time} you cancelled {service} via Xpendy. Unfortunately we see that the payment of {price} has failed or has been withdrawn. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that you have entered into a payment obligation and that your letter of termination has been sent by us (by […]
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