
Johnny Clean Car Wash


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  • Johnny Clean Car Wash
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Attn: Customer Service
W Hillsboro Blvd. 1701, Suite 104
FL 33442 Deerfield Beach
United States of America

21-03-2025, Stad

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Johnny Clean Car Wash



Johnny Clean Car Wash
1701, Suite 104 W Hillsboro Blvd.
FL 33442 Deerfield Beach
United States of America

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About Johnny Clean Car Wash

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In 2012, carnett's management company purchased the operating company and became the exclusive licensee of the mr. Clean car wash brand. What began as america's favorite name in household cleaning has grown into the gold standard in car care.

95% of automatic car washes are bad as they use felt scrubbers that touch your car. These pick up dirt and debris from other cars such as rocks and dirt. As your car passes through these scrubbers those rocks and sand particles scratch your car's clear coat, and worst case scenario your paint.

Car wash memberships can save you money after your first month! Not only do they provide unlimited washes, but they also offer discounts on additional services like waxing, detailing, and tire shine. This can add up to significant savings over time.