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Como eu posso cancelar minha assinatura other-us de Adobe Creative Cloud?
No(a) Checkout você tem 1 mês de aviso prévio, o que significa que a sua matrícula de no(a) Checkout continuará por 1 mês após a data do recebimento de seu aviso.
A sua matrícula de no(a) Checkout é cancelável a qualquer momento de acordo com os termos do seu contrato.
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CA 95110 San Jose
United States of America
When considering cancelling Adobe Creative Cloud, keep in mind the policy. If you cancel within 14 days of your order, you'll receive a full refund. After 14 days, a fee of 50% of your remaining contract is charged. The service continues until the end of the billing period. You can manage cancellations conveniently through the Adobe Creative Cloud website. Alternatively, Xpendy offers cancellation assistance for a fee.
What happens to my benefits if i decide to stop my membership? You continue to have access to creative cloud member free benefits. And, if you saved your work to your computer, you continue to have access to those files on your own device.
When canceling **Adobe Creative Cloud**, your existing files can still be accessed on your computer or the Creative Cloud website, with a 2GB storage limit. If you exceed this limit upon cancellation, you have 30 days to transfer your files. **Adobe Creative Cloud** offers various creative tools for design, photography, and video editing. Cancellation can be conveniently done through their website. Alternatively, cancellation services are available through Xpendy, though fees may apply.