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Como eu posso cancelar minha assinatura other-us de Amazon Music Unlimited?
No(a) Checkout você tem 1 mês de aviso prévio, o que significa que a sua matrícula de no(a) Checkout continuará por 1 mês após a data do recebimento de seu aviso.
A sua matrícula de no(a) Checkout é cancelável a qualquer momento de acordo com os termos do seu contrato.
Amazon Music Unlimited
440 Terry Ave N
WA 98109 Seattle
United States of America
To cancel your subscription to Amazon Music Unlimited, go to the Amazon website. Navigate to your account settings and locate the section for subscription services. Look for Amazon Music Unlimited in the list of subscriptions. Click on the option to cancel the service and follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation. Amazon Music Unlimited offers a wide selection of songs and playlists for music lovers. Remember that you can also cancel your subscription through Xpendy, but this may involve additional costs.
You may be signed up for an additional subscription that is not included in amazon prime. As you know, amazon music prime is included with prime, but there is a service called prime video not included in the prime library.
Open the amazon music app (make sure you're using the latest app from the apple app store or google play store). Select the settings icon in the upper right corner.