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3. Nós enviamos sua carta online
4. Fique tranquilo
Como eu posso cancelar minha assinatura other-us de OurTime?
No(a) Checkout você tem 1 mês de aviso prévio, o que significa que a sua matrícula de no(a) Checkout continuará por 1 mês após a data do recebimento de seu aviso.
A sua matrícula de no(a) Checkout é cancelável a qualquer momento de acordo com os termos do seu contrato.
Match Group, LLC
8750 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1400
TX 75231 Dallas
United States of America
Mobile browser/app: scroll down and locate manage account. Tap on manage subscription. Enter in your password. Tap cancel subscription.
All other users may request a refund by contacting peoplemedia customer service via our help center, or by mailing or delivering a signed and dated notice that states that you, the buyer, are canceling this agreement, or words of similar effect.
The reason that you are not able to login to ourtime thru the email is that the link is not active. You will need to download the app, login with username and password ***** use the ourtime website. Ok. You are welcome.