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Como eu posso cancelar minha assinatura other-us de ScoreSense?
No(a) Checkout você tem 1 mês de aviso prévio, o que significa que a sua matrícula de no(a) Checkout continuará por 1 mês após a data do recebimento de seu aviso.
A sua matrícula de no(a) Checkout é cancelável a qualquer momento de acordo com os termos do seu contrato.
8144, #600 Walnut Hill Lane
TX 75231 Dallas
United States of America
To cancel ScoreSense, you can reach their customer care department at 1-800-972-7204. If you are looking to contact ScoreSense for any queries or assistance, you can easily find the contact information on their official website. Alternatively, you can also access this contact information for free through Xpendy. This way, you can quickly get in touch with ScoreSense regarding cancellations or any other concerns you may have.
You may not cancel via an email to us. We do not provide prorated refunds. Transactional products typically involve an order process associated with your request to purchase and receive a specific product and/or service, including but not limited to your credit report(s) and credit score(s) from the providers.
You can cancel your scoresense account at any time, including before your trial period ends, before you're billed for the first month of service. Cancel the account by chatting with a scoresense representative online or by calling 1-800-972-7204.