HCredit Card

(Portugal) Por que eu não consigo baixar a carta de rescisão?

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(Portugal) Política de Privacidade

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(Portugal) Quem somos

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(Portugal) Quais são as condições para cancelar assinaturas?

Not Available

(Portugal) Eu posso ainda cancelar minha carta de rescisão (direito de rescisão)?

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Your order is already being processed

It seems that you have clicked on this link before. In the confirmation email of your order you will find all the important information. Haven’t you received this e-mail yet? Then check your junk mail box. If you have any questions regarding the shipment of your letter, you can contact our support team by sending […]

(España) ¿Cuánto cuesta descargar una plantilla de carta?

Not Available

Shipping Confirmation

Dear {username}, Thank you for using our online cancellation service. Your registered letter has been sent today to {servicename}. Track & Trace code {servicename}: {barcode} Click on the barcode to check the status of your shipment. This code will remain available for 90 days. It may take several hours for your letter of notice to […]


Dear {username}, Thank you for using our online cancellation service. Your registered termination letter to {servicename} was successfully received on {orderdate}. Track & Trace code {servicename}: {barcode} Click on barcode to view the status of your shipment. This code will remain available for 90 days. What are the next steps? In most cases, you won’t […]

(United States of America) Mint Mobile Review: Is Mint Mobile Good? Customer Service and More

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