Frequently Asked Questions
How can I cancel Jibjab?
Cancelling a Jibjab subscription is possible in several ways. At Xpendy we offer to do so by means of a registered letter. The reason to choose for a registered letter is that it offers security. Xpendy offers the possibility to generate and send a registered letter yourself or have Xpendy send you the cancellation letter.
When can I cancel Jibjab?
With Jibjab there is a possible term of notice. This means that after cancelling your subscription with Jibjab, the subscription can continue for a maximum of the agreed cancellation period. How long a notice period is can differ per company. A notice period of 1 month is common, but this can differ per company.
Can I cancel Jibjab in case of death?
At Xpendy, it is possible to complete the cancellation with only the subscription holder's name and address. This means that it's also possible to cancel a subscription for someone who has passed away.
Can I cancel Jibjab when I move house?
Cancelling the service when moving house can also be done via Xpendy. However, this is not always necessary. Sometimes, you are expected to move your subscription. It is important to check your contract conditions.
How long does it take to cancel Jibjab?
How long it takes to cancel a subscription varies from provider to provider. From the moment you receive the letter, the provider is obligated to process the cancellation. Keep in mind that from the moment the letter arrives at the provider, they have 10 working days to process the letter. In addition, there may be a notice period. This is different for each provider.
Can a subscription be cancelled before the end date with Jibjab?
There are possibilities to cancel a subscription or contract before the end date. However, not all providers are willing to do this. It is possible that the provider makes it possible to cancel your contract before the agreed end date, but always keep in mind that the provider may charge you a cancellation fee/penalty.
People also ask
How do I get my money back from JibJab?
To get your money back from JibJab, you should start by reviewing their refund policy, which can typically be found in the Terms of Service on their website. If you're eligible for a refund, the next step would be to contact their customer service team directly. You can usually do this through their website via email or a customer support form. Provide them with your account details and the reason for your refund request, and they should be able to guide you through the process. Be sure to follow up if you don’t hear back within a reasonable time frame.
How do I contact JibJab customer service?
To contact JibJab customer service, you can easily reach them via email by sending a message to They typically respond within a reasonable timeframe and can assist with any issues or queries you might have. Additionally, you can check their website's FAQ section for immediate answers to common questions, which might resolve your issue even faster.
How to cancel jib jab on iphone
To cancel your JibJab subscription on your iPhone, start by opening the Settings app. Then, tap on your name at the top of the screen to access your Apple ID, iCloud, media, and purchases. Scroll down to 'Subscriptions,' find JibJab in the list, and tap on it. From there, you can select 'Cancel Subscription' to discontinue your service. Make sure to complete this process at least 24 hours before the next billing cycle to avoid being charged for another term.
How do I cancel my JibJab subscription?
To cancel your JibJab subscription, log in to your account, go to the "Account Settings," and select "Cancel Subscription." Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.