HCredit Card

What are the conditions for canceling subscriptions?

The conditions depend very much on the type of subscription and on the organisation to which you subscribe. For example, one organisation has no notice period, and another organisation has a notice period of two months. We think it is important that you are well informed, so if you have any questions about the conditions […]

(Canada) Can I keep my phone number when switching providers?

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(Canada) I am going to emigrate. How do I cancel my subscriptions quickly and easily?

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(Canada) I am moving house. How do I cancel my subscriptions quickly and easily?

Not Available

(Canada) Do you have a sample letter for canceling your subscription in English?

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(Canada) I am looking for a sample letter to cancel my subscription

Not Available

Unlocking Fox Nation: Your Guide to Watching on TV, Free Options, Compatibility with Amazon Prime, and Smart TV Access

Are you scratching your head, trying to get Fox Nation up and running on your TV? Trust me, I completely understand. It’s like we’re all in this together, navigating the modern maze of streaming services. With smart TVs taking center stage in over 95 million American homes, it’s crucial that we can dial into our […]

The Cost Of Convenience. How Subscriptions Are Taking Over Our Lives

Managing subscriptions can feel overwhelming, but at Xpendy.com, we’re here to make it simple. On average, people juggle around 12 subscriptions, and keeping track can be a challenge. Xpendy helps you regain control, so you never have to worry about hidden costs or missed payments again. Key Takeaways People manage an average of 12 subscriptions, […]

Staatsloterij deelname annuleren: een duidelijke handleiding

Veel mensen willen hun deelname aan de Staatsloterij opzeggen maar vinden het proces ingewikkeld. We hebben dit ook ervaren en ontdekt dat er een eenvoudige manier is. In dit artikel leggen we uit hoe je je abonnement of lidmaatschap snel en gemakkelijk kunt beëindigen. Blijf lezen, het is makkelijker dan je denkt. Samenvatting Je kunt […]

(Deutschland) Unlocking The Benefits: Warum boomt die Abonnement-Wirtschaft?

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