HCredit Card

(United Kingdom) Can I cancel my subscription before the end of the contract, for example?

Not Available

(Ireland) When can I cancel my subscription?

Not Available

(Ireland) Where can I find my customer number?

Not Available

(Ireland) Can I cancel my subscription before the end of the contract, for example?

Not Available

When can I cancel my subscription?

In principle, you can cancel any subscription whenever you want. However, you do need to take the notice period into account. The notice period can differ per organisation. During the notice period, payments still take place.

Where can I find my customer number?

In some cases, a customer number is necessary to complete the cancellation. Your customer number can usually be found on an invoice or in an online account environment.

Can I cancel my subscription before the end of the contract, for example?

This is certainly possible; in principle you can cancel your contracts whenever you want. However, it may be that you have taken out a subscription for a year or several years and have received a premium discount, for example. If you then cancel the subscription earlier, in many cases you will have to pay a […]

General terms and conditions

Article 1 – Definitions In these terms and conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings: Offer: The termination service offered by Xpendy to the Consumer. Acceptance: The acceptance of the Agreement by Xpendy, i.e., the Consumer automatically agrees by executing a final Application – i.e., the Consumer has completed payment; Application: The Consumer makes an Application […]

Privacy Policy

ARTICLE 1 – DEFINITIONS Providers: The organisation of which the Consumer is a member and of which the Consumer wishes to cancel. Also called Organization; Services Offered: The various subscription options that the Consumer can cancel through Xpendy. Also called Services or Offerings; GDPR: As of May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) […]


(België – Nederlands)

Wat is de opzegtermijn voor mijn abonnement bij Streamz?

Bij Streamz heb je geen opzegtermijn, wat betekent dat jouw abonnement bij Streamz na datum van ontvangst opgezegd is. De toegang tot het account wordt behouden tot en met de laatste dag van een maand/jaar dat er betaald is voor de abonnementsvergoeding.

Kan ik mijn abonnement bij Streamz direct opzeggen?

Ja, je kunt jouw abonnement bij Streamz direct opzeggen! Dat betekent dat zodra jouw opzegging ontvangen is, jouw abonnement met de inachtneming van de opzegtermijn opgezegd is!