/ 5,0
(2,034 arvostelut)
1. Syötä tietosi
2. Kirje on automaattisesti allekirjoitettu
3. Lähetämme kirjeen sähköisesti
4. Ota iisisti
CKuinka peruutan other-us tilaukseni Disney Bundlelle?
Checkoutssa, löydät irtisanomisajan sopimuksestasi ja yleisistä käyttöehdoista.
-tilauksesi palvelusta Checkout voidaan peruuttaa välittömästi sopimusehtojesi mukaisesti.
Disney Bundle
500 South Buena Vista Street
CA 91521 Burbank
United States of America
If you purchased disney+ through a third party or on an apple or android phone, you'll need to cancel your subscription directly through the provider. This might be the case if you signed up for disney+ through apple, roku, amazon, xfinity, or the google play store.
It's possible that you may have signed up for more than one subscription. You can view or manage any of your current disney+ subscriptions by visiting your disney+ account or if you're billed by a third-party partner, by reaching out to that partner directly.
If you are considering cancelling your Disney Bundle subscription, you can do so easily through the Disney website. While Disney+ may issue refunds under certain circumstances through their support system, the process of cancelling your subscription is straightforward. Simply log into your Disney account on their website, navigate to your subscription settings, and follow the prompts to cancel. Keep in mind that cancelling through Xpendy is also an option, but it may incur additional costs.