



(2034 beoordelingen)

Betaling van 15.95 voor het verzenden van

Coursera opzegbrief

  • Coursera
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Attn: Customer Service
East Evelyn Avenue 381
CA 94041 Mountain View
United States of America

13-03-2025, Stad

AANGETEKEND: Coursera abonnement opzeggen

Geachte heer/mevrouw,

Hierbij zeg ik mijn abonnement per eerstvolgende mogelijkheid na dagtekening op.

Persoonsgegevens :
Naam: Voornaam Achternaam

Adres: Straat en huisnummer
Postcode + plaats: Postcode plaats

E-mail: E-mail

De incassomachtiging dient tegelijkertijd te worden beëindigd.

Daarnaast verzoek ik u hierbij tevens, overeenkomstig artikel 17 AVG, over te gaan tot onmiddellijke verwijdering van al mijn persoonsgegevens in de zin van artikel 4(1) AVG, behoudens in de gevallen zoals opgesomd in artikel 17(3) AVG.

Graag zie ik de bevestiging van deze opzegging en de verwijdering van mijn persoonsgegevens op bovenstaand e-mailadres tegemoet.

Met vriendelijke groeten

Voornaam Achternaam

Print Document

1. Voer je gegevens in

2. Je brief wordt automatisch ondertekend

3. We sturen je brief online

4. Ontspan

Coursera contact

Coursera phone number and email address

You can reach Coursera at (650) 963-9884 and [email protected].

Coursera address

Would you prefer to cancel your subscription in writing? Then you can send a letter to the address below:

381 E Evelyn Ave
CA 94041-1530, Mountain View
United States of America

If you send your cancellation letter yourself, we recommend sending a registered letter. A registered letter guarantees that your letter will be dealt with. The price of a registered letter via USPS starts at $10.00.

Coursera opzegtermijn

Cancel Coursera directly?

At Xpendy, we have one mission: to make your everyday life easier, so you can get on with the really important things quickly. Cancelling subscriptions is often made difficult. We are happy to take this worry out of your hands! Cancel your subscription directly through our online cancellation form. No long phone lines, endless forms and e-mails. Everything is arranged within 2 minutes!

Informatie inklappen>>




381 East Evelyn Avenue
CA 94041 Mountain View
United States of America

Vergelijkbare services

About Coursera

Coursera contact

Coursera customer service

There are several ways to reach Coursera customer service. You can quickly find answers to various questions per topic through the customer service page. If you still don't have an answer to your question or prefer to contact Coursera yourself? These are the options:

Coursera phone number and email address

You can reach Coursera by phone on (650) 963-9884. Please note, there is a possibility that you will be placed in a queue. You can also email customer service at [email protected].

Coursera address

381 E Evelyn Ave
CA 94041-1530, Mountain View
United States of America

How can I cancel Coursera?

Cancel your Coursera subscription quickly and easily with Xpendy! Our service allows you to cancel Coursera quickly and easily. Within 2 minutes, your subscription will be cancelled! We will send your cancellation by registered letter to the company of your choice.

People also ask

Coursera's main headquarters is located at 381 east evelyn ave mountain view, ca 94041 us.

Coursera, inc. Is a delaware corporation with a principal place of business at 381 e. Evelyn ave., mountain view, ca 94041.

Coursera headquarters and office locations coursera is headquartered in mountain view, 381 e evelyn ave, united states, and has 5 office locations.