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You can reach Coursera at (650) 963-9884 and [email protected].
Would you prefer to cancel your subscription in writing? Then you can send a letter to the address below:
381 E Evelyn Ave
CA 94041-1530, Mountain View
United States of America
If you send your cancellation letter yourself, we recommend sending a registered letter. A registered letter guarantees that your letter will be dealt with. The price of a registered letter via USPS starts at $10.00.
381 East Evelyn Avenue
CA 94041 Mountain View
United States of America
Coursera's main headquarters is located at 381 east evelyn ave mountain view, ca 94041 us.
Coursera, inc. Is a delaware corporation with a principal place of business at 381 e. Evelyn ave., mountain view, ca 94041.
Coursera headquarters and office locations coursera is headquartered in mountain view, 381 e evelyn ave, united states, and has 5 office locations.