(2034 beoordelingen)
1. Voer je gegevens in
2. Je brief wordt automatisch ondertekend
3. We sturen je brief online
4. Ontspan
You can reach Mailchimp by phone on (800) 315-5939. Unfortunately, customer service cannot be reached by email.
Would you prefer to cancel your subscription in writing? Then you can send a letter to the address below:
675 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE, Suite 5000
GA 30308 Atlanta
United States of America
If you send your cancellation letter yourself, we recommend sending a registered letter. A registered letter guarantees that your letter will be dealt with. The price of a registered letter via USPS starts at $10.00.
675, #5000 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE
GA 30308 Atlanta
United States of America
The address must be an address where you can receive mail, and can't be an email address or website. If you work from home and don't want to share your home address, we suggest that you use a post office box.
You must include an unsubscribe link and physical address with every marketing email you send. To learn more about the required footer content, read about email campaign footers. The footer content in mailchimp is in english by default.
Atlanta, georgia