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You can reach Staterecords.Org by phone on (800) 309-9351. Unfortunately, customer service cannot be reached by email.
Would you prefer to cancel your subscription in writing? Then you can send a letter to the address below:
163 Highland Avenue, Suite 1118
MA 02494 Needham
United States of America
If you send your cancellation letter yourself, we recommend sending a registered letter. A registered letter guarantees that your letter will be dealt with. The price of a registered letter via USPS starts at $10.00.
163, Suite 1118 Highland Ave
MA 02494 Needham
United States of America
An address search can be performed by anyone who has access to a public records search engine. Attorneys, collections agents, licensed investigators, insurance agents, government agencies, and law enforcement can all perform address searches.
Federal case files are maintained electronically and are available through the internet-based public access to court electronic records (pacer) service. Pacer allows anyone with an account to search and locate appellate, district, and bankruptcy court case and docket information. Register for a pacer account.
Operating autonomously as a private entity, distinct from any affiliation with state government agencies, the texas court records website may provide access to some public court records.