
Discovery Plus



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Discovery Plus opzegbrief (gratis afdrukken of aangetekend verzenden voor 14.95 euro)

  • Discovery Plus
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Attn: Customer Service
Park Ave Street 230
NY 10003 New York
United States of America

13-03-2025, Stad

AANGETEKEND: Discovery Plus abonnement opzeggen

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Hierbij zeg ik mijn abonnement per eerstvolgende mogelijkheid na dagtekening op.

Persoonsgegevens :
Naam: Voornaam Achternaam

Adres: Straat en huisnummer
Postcode + plaats: Postcode plaats

E-mail: E-mail

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Graag zie ik de bevestiging van deze opzegging en de verwijdering van mijn persoonsgegevens op bovenstaand e-mailadres tegemoet.

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Voornaam Achternaam

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Discovery Plus



Discovery Plus
230 Park Ave Street
NY 10003 New York
United States of America

Vergelijkbare services

About Discovery Plus

Discovery Plus is a streaming service that offers a wide range of content from Discovery, Inc. It includes shows and documentaries from popular networks such as Discovery Channel, HGTV, Food Network, TLC, Animal Planet, and more. Subscribers can access a diverse library of content, including original series, exclusive documentaries, and past seasons of various shows.

Are you looking for customer service contact details from Discovery Plus? Find all the details you are looking for here, including Discovery Plus email address, phone number and address.

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If you are looking to cancel your Discovery Plus subscription, you can easily do so through their website. If you signed up via a third party like an app store, reach out to them for billing issues. Cancellations and refunds for Discovery Plus subscriptions can be managed directly on their platform. Remember, you can also cancel through Xpendy, but this option may incur additional costs.

To cancel Discovery Plus through the Verizon app, simply log into My Verizon or the My Fios app. Navigate to "Manage Subscription" and select "Pick Your Streaming Services." Click or tap on the Discovery Plus tile to cancel your subscription. This process can also be done directly on the Discovery Plus website. Keep in mind that cancellation through a third-party service like Xpendy may incur additional costs.